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Matching in recruitment: trying it is adopting it!

By Laura Maréchal Published on 4 June 2021
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There are many techniques to evaluate a person’s behavior during the recruitment phase. However, success is not always achieved… Indeed, studies show that casting errors are still frequent, generating significant financial costs, loss of time and productivity, as well as a tainted brand image. Successful recruitment is therefore a crucial issue, all the more so in an uncertain economic context. It is therefore essential to take a step back and question the methods used to better secure and manage your recruitments, especially in times of uncertainty. It is in this context that a matching solution can make a difference!

Matching is on the rise!

CV Parsing, Affinity Matching, AI, Predictive Recruitment … With the emergence of new keywords every year, one may wonder if they are just buzzwords or real trends that HR must learn today. But studies don’t lie: when we see that one out of three recruitments ends in failure and that the average cost of a failed recruitment can amount to €45,000, it is clear that recruitment requires a new approach. Also, matching is not just a trend and has already proven itself in many ways… According to the Harvard Business Review, a recruiter who uses an algorithm increases his chances of choosing the right candidate by 25%. How does it work in practice?

To be able to calculate a candidate’s matching score, HR solutions are based on an algorithm – that is, according to the Larousse “a set of operating rules whose application allows a stated problem to be solved by means of a finite number of operations”. We reassure you, it’s much simpler than it sounds 😊

  1. Thanks to data mining, you can identify and select the key soft skills to be evaluated for the position to be filled,
  2. Candidates complete a questionnaire to assess their potential and behavioral preferences,
  3. The matching algorithm calculates a “match score” between the candidate’s soft skills and the key soft skills for the position to be filled. The higher the score, the more the candidate matches the main criteria of the job offer. Conversely, a low score will indicate a mismatch between the candidate and the job.

And the advantages are numerous…

Between analyzing resumes, reading cover letters that look almost identical, or even pre-screening calls… There’s no denying it: recruiting used to be a very time-consuming and a bit outdated process! Relying on a matching algorithm has interests on many levels, and will change your daily life (in a good way of course 🚀).

“I’m going on five interviews tomorrow… I feel like it’s going to be weeks before I hire someone!”

By relying on algorithms, you will save time AND money. Indeed, no more boring days that follow one another: the matching algorithm helps you save time by using the criteria you have chosen beforehand and by selecting the soft skills that are the most adapted to the position and to your context. You can thus improve the efficiency of your pre-selection and this time saved will allow you to devote more time to exchanging with candidates – a crucial stage in recruitment!

“For this resume I have a doubt… I don’t know the school he went to!”

Studies show that there are no less than 200 cognitive biases to which we are all subject without being aware of it, and which can strongly influence our decision making! On the contrary, algorithms directly rank candidates according to previously defined criteria, which allows us to make objective decisions, reduce discrimination, and also open up the field of possibilities by taking an interest in profiles that have great potential and in which we would not necessarily have been interested if we had based ourselves solely on their CVs!

“Name your top 3 qualities and your top 3 faults”

With the algorithm, you no longer have to ask “boilerplate” questions that sometimes don’t really make sense… The algorithm offers you reliable and relevant data on which you can base better quality exchanges with the candidate. Moreover, WeSuggest also provides you with an interview guide to suggest relevant questions to ask your candidates, according to the Soft Skills evaluated.

“The candidate turned down our offer – he said he had a better offer from another firm!”

In the digital age, candidates are used to using new technologies in their daily lives. Therefore, digitalizing your recruitment experience is an undeniable plus to ensure a modern and attractive image for your company. It is also an excellent way to stand out from the competition, especially when you want to recruit penurious profiles, but also to offer a better experience to your candidates.

Algorithms are gradually being used in companies, but contrary to certain preconceived ideas, they are not “recruiting robots”! Also, algorithms are proposed to simplify the mission of recruiters, but they cannot replace the human contact between recruiter and candidate… The human being must keep a central place in this process and the tool is only there to ensure a more efficient and secure recruitment!


Now it’s your turn to play! Test the matching in recruitment by creating a free account onWeSuggest.

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