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On WeSuggest, discover the type of managerial profile of the appraisee through 3 different styles!

By Chloë Gaillot Published on 27 May 2024
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According to a Gallup study, employees who feel highly engaged at work and have a positive working relationship with their manager contribute to a 21% increase in their company’s profitability.

Hiring a manager is crucial to a company’s success, because the manager’s role goes far beyond simply supervising teams. It’s no secret that an effective manager is the catalyst for productivity, motivation and cohesion within a team. Recruiting the right manager is therefore essential to fostering a positive work environment. WeSuggest can now help you identify the managerial profile of your candidates at a glance!

Another string to your bow 🏹

In a constant quest for improvement, WeSuggest is constantly striving to offer you functionalities that meet your recruitment needs and expectations. Some time ago, we introduced you to our new module dedicated to the managerial preferences of your candidates. As a reminder, the idea of this module was to go beyond the evaluation of your candidates’ soft skills, by offering you the opportunity to identify at a glance the main managerial needs of your future recruits.

Today, we’re focusing our attention on the recruitment of a future manager, whether this involves external recruitment or internal mobility. How would you like to be able to identify the managerial style of a future manager?

Now you can! In just one click, discover the “dominant” managerial profile of your appraisee, through 3 different styles.

Matching that can make all the difference!

This new functionality will enable you to precisely match the management style of your future manager with the management needs of his or her future colleagues.

It’s essential for a manager to know his or her own management style and to adapt to the needs of his or her staff in order to foster a productive and positive work environment, and maximize everyone’s commitment, motivation and efficiency!

How it works?
Visit the platform to find out!

At WeSuggest, we’re committed to developing new functionalities, always with a view to helping you save time, increase efficiency and make your recruiting process more reliable! We hope you enjoy this new functionality. Test our business models for free by registering on WeSuggest and benefit from 3 free evaluations. Any questions? Would you like to see another business model appear that we might have overlooked? Don’t hesitate to send us your comments and/or suggestions directly by email to feedback@wesuggest.io. Our product teams will be delighted to get back to you.

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